Download Cyanocream 4 Android 4.4 Kitkat Custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy Y S5360


Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 is one of the best affordable smartphones from Samsung. It was launched couple of years ago and was the first ever budget Android phone for Android beginners. Unfortunately, because of its low specs and few other reasons, Galaxy Y never went up from Android 2.3 Gingerbread operating system.

It was launched with the same and never received any OTA updates. But thanks to Custom ROMs using which we used all newer versions of Android on our Galaxy Y, whether it is ICS, Jellybean 4.1 or 4.2. Today, i bring you one more such important Custom ROM which you must try on your phone. It is Android 4.4 Kitkat based Custom ROM named Cyanocream 4. Installing this ROM offers you several features of Kitkat such as Kitkat Status Bar, transparent Notification bar, Transparent Dialer, Kitkat Desk Clock and Clock Widgets and lots more. If you want you can download the ROM right away from this page.

And in case you need help installing this on your phone, than follow the detailed guide provided here for installing Kitkat on Galaxy Y S5360.

Android-4.4-Kitkat-on-galaxy-Y-S5360Download Cyanocream 4

25 thoughts on “Download Cyanocream 4 Android 4.4 Kitkat Custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy Y S5360

  1. I have a small problem after installing cyanocream v4. playstore is only loading. its not opening. can u help me.

    1. Hi Rahul, this is a common problem with any Custom ROM. The best solution for the same is you should install the ROM again from beginning. Everything will start working fine. And, you must post your query on our forums to get faster and better help. regards.

  2. sir My phone is samsung galaxygts5360. I instaling purekat 3
    0.0 . I how to inistal this verson to Android kitkat 4.4.please send a message.


    I’ve installed this ROM on my Galaxy Y and didn’t found any bugs yet. However, after each boot, the carrier sent me a message which says I don’t have enough credit to send a message. I’ve checked the message outbox/sent folder and didn’t found any pending or sent message. I have done a clean installation of the rom (errased anything before that, even reinstalled the stock rom to make sure there haven’t been any malicious software that would send the sms). I have wiped everything and reinstalled the stock rom and then I didn’t recieved the notification from the carrier. Then I reinstalled the Cyanocream again and It happened again. The conclusion is that there may be an app that could send a sms to the devs who build this rom in order to get some unattended payment from those who install this ROM.

    Please try to boot your phone with an empty PrePaid SIM card and find if this happen to you also.

  4. please provide me the kitkat os for lava iris 402+
    i have searched all in the internet but goes vain.

    1. I doubt if it will be launched officially, but we will be able to it using some Custom ROM. I’ll surely update you if there is any Kitkat Custom ROM out for Iris 402+. Regards 🙂

  5. sir i have tried to install cyanocream but i got stucked once again i would like to repeat the hand set is samsung galaxy gts5360.Please provide me the proper CWM,CV,cyanocream,rooting software to mail ID as soon as possibile

  6. dear bro i hv 1 problem and 1 question regarding cyanocream kitkat, after the installation whenevr i calls to someone it takes action after 10-15 minute from actual time of calling. and my question is (i want to ask question in hindi for my total satisfaction to carry perfect answer frm u) jitne bar b ham reboot karte hai, har reboot k baad power + V.up + Home press krna chahye ya fir nahi krna hai? should i press Power+V.up+Home only at once or should i press after every reboot?

    Thx you bhai

    1. Power+ V.up+ Home is the key combination to get in Recovery Mode of Android devices. Obviously it is required only when you want to perform some development tasks from Recovery mode.

      So, you DONT need to use these keys everytime (or after every reboot).

  7. After update Galaxy Y into Kitkat will it support Bangladesh sim card and Bangla….. ?????

  8. Hello… I am using GT-S5360 model… due to some kind of mobile up gradation I lost total OS in my mobile… can u show me a path to recover the OS for my mobile … kindly mail me at

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