A resume is one of the crucial factors that can affect your employment. Before you show up at the company door, the employer will try to get to know you through this document and that is why its content is very important. If your CV is well written, you will immediately stand out from other candidates in the first round of selection and receive an invitation for the second round. On the other hand, if it contains some mistakes that you missed or that seemed insignificant at first, there is a high probability that you will be eliminated immediately, regardless of the qualifications you possess. Maybe at this very moment, you are thinking of changing a job that doesn’t suit you, or you have just graduated and you aren’t sure how to write a quality resume that will look professional and that will clearly convey your qualifications but also interest in the job you are applying for. Don’t worry, and it’s not too late to learn.
Especially when people first encounter a task like this, it gives them too much sense of responsibility, which confuses them to the point that they start exaggerating while performing the “beautification” of their resume. ResumesPlanet reminds you that you are not alone and that you can count on the help of experts at any time.
To point out some of the most common mistakes that other people make and which you should avoid in order not to reduce your chances of employment, we have listed some common flaws you should pay attention to. If you are interested in learning more about it, keep reading.
1. Too much personal data and information

Many people, to increase their chances and present themselves in the best possible light, present their personal data is too much detail. The introductory part of the CV is intended for the personal data of the candidate. These usually include first and last name, address, phone number, email address, and date of birth.
Human resource managers whose task is to select candidates to advise that nothing more than this data is needed. The practice has shown that applicants tend to fulfill this paragraph with various superfluous details such as marital status, religious affiliation, or unresolved housing issues. This will only make the CV much longer and more tedious than it should be and will force the human resources sector to simply put it aside and move on to the next candidate.
2. Funny email address

The email address you created when you were a teenager in this case could ruin everything for you. The funny names you have used for various logins on the internet are completely unacceptable. In addition to the photo, this is another detail, which may seem insignificant at first, but for your potential future employer, it may seem very frivolous.
Believe it or not, this detail is given a lot of attention, so don’t let your e-mail address ruin your chance for employment. Take some time and create a simple email address that will contain your name, initials, or some other numbers and characters that seem more professional. E-mail is the most common type of communication at work in the modern world, and that is why we should pay attention to the impression that is gained based on it.
3. Spelling and grammar mistakes

When applying for a job, especially if it’s a position that requires higher education, you mustn’t allow yourself grammatical and spelling mistakes. An educated person is expected to have a grammatically correct CV because one day the same person will be required to write a report or official contact with partners, which must be at a high level. Otherwise, you will give a bad impression of the company and no employer wants that for their corporation.
So once you write a resume, don’t be lazy and go back to the beginning to check everything nicely. Correct any mistakes you have made and prepare it for sending. Such omissions will definitely not leave a great impression.
4. Highlighting a hobby

To fill the gaps in their CVs that have arisen as a result of insufficient work engagement in the past, candidates begin to emphasize their hobbies. Hobbies are more related to private life than business, and for that reason, they have no place here.
Okay, we agree that the employer may have the same hobby as you and that you might get some credit because of it, but this outcome is quite rare. It happens much more often than this part is a nuisance and is considered irrelevant and unacceptable. Especially if they are in no way related to the position you are applying for.
5. A brief list of all the jobs you have done before

You may already have a lot of work experience behind you by now and that’s great, but be careful how you present it in your CV. If all these experiences with a short description don’t fit on two pages, but you can only list the names of the positions, then you should make a reorganization and narrow the choice of information you will give.
The human resources sector will be interested in reading more about your previous engagements. Therefore, a short description is necessary. It would be best to give preference to previous jobs that were in some ways similar to the one you are applying for to be able to express what you have learned from them and how much progress you have made so far.
6. Inappropriate photo

Photography is an obligatory part of every resume, and although it doesn’t refer specifically to writing, it’s part of the whole, and mistakes in this field mustn’t happen. Employers agree that just by looking at the photo, they can already decide whether a person will enter the further selection process or will be eliminated immediately in the first round.
An inappropriate photo in your biography can leave a completely wrong impression. Based on that, it can be concluded that you are unprofessional and disinterested. There are certain business rules regarding photography that should be followed. The wardrobe, hair, and make-up should be decent. The photo should show your face only with a slight smile. The background color shouldn’t predominate and attract attention. Therefore, find a photo that makes you look professional.
7. And some more…

Finally, in addition to everything we have warned you about so far, consider a few more details. There is no place in your CV for explanations as to why you left your previous job, nor for the amount of salary you are requesting. Make everything concise, yet extensively enough to present yourself as the right person for the position at the same time.