Download Microsoft Office Lens apk

Microsoft Office Lens apk

Microsoft today released ‘Office Lens’ for Android and iOS. This app can be very useful for those who frequently need to scan documents, receipt or want to capture some quick notes in office from board or documents. Using Office Lens you can simply click a photo from any angle but the app will make it exactly like a scanned copy. So, more problems of scanning any doc or taking notes from white board. Just install Office Lens and get it right away in your phone’s gallery. These copies can easily be shared to OneDrive, OneNote, and lots more.

Now, although it is released today for iOS and Android, iPhone users can instantly download it from iTunes. But Android users will need to go through several process to get the app on their smartphones. You will first need to Join Office Lens Android Preview community on Google+ which will be approved in couple of minutes or hours. Then you will need to click on ‘Become a Tester’ link and then follow instructions provided on the page.

But if you want to get Microsoft Office Lens instantly for your Android phones, simply download the apk provided here and enjoy !!

Microsoft Office Lens apkDownload Office Lens apk

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