In the modern world, payment systems are becoming more and more popular, in which you can create your own digital wallet, and then use it to pay for goods and services in online stores, withdraw, and transfer money.
Being inspired by the rapid occurrence of digital wallets, you may find it helpful to visit LitsLink to find out how to bring your idea to life and launch a mobile app on the market.
According to Forbes, mobile payments increase consumer comfort and consistency in the mobile payment process that will result in substantial growth of mobile payments over the next few years.
Before starting your own digital wallet, we recommend you learn more about the features and benefits of each by reviewing our rating.
1. PayPal

PayPal is a service that cooperates with the largest trading platforms, such as eBay and Airbnb, and provides buyer protection with the possibility of returning money and goods. Representatives of small retailers and middle-level entrepreneurs can use the PP Here mobile terminal, while private users can make instant payments without entering credentials and compromising security.
2. Venmo

Venmo is a social payment system owned and operated by PayPal which uses a similar electronic payment model. With Venmo, you can share payments with friends or transfer amounts of money from one to the other without any fees. So, for example, if someone forgets their wallet, that person can repay a friend’s part of the payment using a temporary loan in Venmo. It’s super easy to use, you need only to create a Venmo account, add a credit or debit card and you’re done.
3. Google Pay

Today, Google’s new wallet is a merger of two different products. Google Pay offers payment for purchases via the NFC module by simply bringing your phone to a banking terminal that supports contactless payments. Given the proliferation of such terminals, payments can be made everywhere, from grocery stores to public transport. The second feature is online purchases. If the site has an application symbol or an inscription Buy with G Pay, then the site supports payment through this wallet.
4. Dwolla

American payment system Dwolla has challenged classic interbank transfers by allowing users to avoid paying interest to intermediaries. Payments less than $ 10 are carried out by the system free of charge, and for a larger transfer, it takes only 25 cents, regardless of the amount. In this case, the service is provided to the sender free of charge. All transactions are carried out directly from the client’s bank account and completely exclude the use of credit or debit cards, so there is no commission to pay. Besides, the company launched the FiSync service, which allows instant transfers between banks.
5. Apple Pay

This is a payment system that allows you to pay for goods in stores by touching an Apple mobile device to the terminal. The system works over the NFC protocol and only on terminals that accept contactless payments (they have a PayPass or PayWave mark). You can make purchases over the Internet. In this case, you need to use the Safari browser, which is available on Apple devices. You can also pay with Apple Pay inside some apps.
6. Facebook Pay

Facebook Pay is a payment service that allows you to pay for purchases, send money, and make donations on Facebook and the Messenger messaging app. Facebook Pay also lets you view your payment history, manage your billing information, and contact support. You can use a PIN or biometric password to secure payments. At the moment, the service is only available on Facebook and Messenger, later the company plans to add integration with Instagram and WhatsApp. To use the service, you need to have a Facebook account, however, the developers promise that in the future it will be possible to set up Facebook Pay directly in other applications, such as Instagram and WhatsApp.
7. Skrill

Skrill is a payment system that allows you to transfer money using only an email address. The system cooperates with a huge number of online casinos, freelance platforms, eBay, and many other online sites. A special security policy is a Skrill trick. You will come across it almost every stage of communication. Although at first glance, securitization is quite primitive: limiting the volume of transactions, requesting the exact date of birth with or without reason, various ways of confirming that you are you.
The system was the first in Europe to start issuing electronic money in accordance with the requirements of the Financial Supervision Authority of Great Britain (FCA), and strictly with security there. Account verification allows you to remove restrictions on the circulation of money on your wallet. The basic limits for new users are quite low (€ 2,500 is the total size of all transactions), and they do not allow you to comfortably use the payment system.
8. Amazon Pay

It aims to interact with online merchants and various companies. With this service, all Amazon customers can use their bank card details stored on to pay. And you can pay not only for goods but also for the services of third-party suppliers. For example, using Amazon Payments, you can pay your phone bill, utilities, or purchase a subscription to a music service or any other site. It is possible to issue an automatic payment (for sites with a monthly subscription) and automatic payment of invoices, which are issued automatically. Also, users of the system will be able to transfer money to each other.
9. Zelle

Zelle is a joint development of the five largest US banks. To make a money transfer through Zelle, the client uses a usual mobile bank application, makes the transfer, and the money almost immediately comes to the recipient’s bank account. Zelle’s direct connection to financial institutions gives customers quick access to their money and an added sense of security. If all direct transactions can be made through mobile banking applications, customers will not have to provide their banking information and passwords to a third party.
10. Payeer

Payeer is an online platform through which users can send and receive money. The main feature of the Payeer platform is the ability to remain anonymous while making transactions. The advantages of verification, which requires documentary proof of identity, imply increased confidence and the emergence of replenishing your account with MasterCard.
Thus, digital wallets perform an important function, being one of the most comfortable methods of cashless payments. A digital wallet is an easiest and safest way to start using mobile financial services and master non-cash payments.