WhatsApp keeps adding new features to its latest versions to make the messenger more user-friendly and addictive. However, we get all those new features frequently first in the Beta versions. So, if you have signed up for WhatsApp Beta, you will notice a new font today in WhatsApp called ‘FixedSys’.
After adding Bold and Italic texts, Strikethrough and Message Quoting features, FixedSys Font is the major addition to WhatsApp rolled out today for beta users in WhatsApp v2.16.179. This makes the letters bigger and having space between them. Have a look:
As shown in the typing field above, you need to enter ` thrice before and after the text to apply FixedSys font on your word or phrase. This makes the words or phrases bigger with spaces in between to make the text look different than normal. So, if you liked it and are a Beta tester, then go ahead and update your WhatsApp from PlayStore or get latest WhastApp 2.16.179 APK from our Download Center.
So far, here are all the formatting you can do in your WhatsApp messages:
- To make Bold : *text*
- To make Italic : _text_
- To Strikethrough : ~text~
- To FixedSys Font: “`text“`
Download the latest WhatsApp beta and enjoy your messaging never like Before !