LG G4 vs iPhone 6 image

LG G4 vs iPhone 6 comparison

LG G4 is the Flagship smartphone from the company in its G series. Earlier LG G3 performed very well in the market and became one of the best smartphones in 2014. Also, last year Apple launched iPhone 6 and its bigger version iPhone 6 Plus in September. Today we will compare these two flagship phones…

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popslate iphone case

PopSLATE e-ink display case for iPhone 6 for $129

PopSLATE introduced an e-ink display case for iPhone 5, 5S and iPhone 6. Priced at $129, this case has an essential 2nd screen at the rear which can display pictures, notes, text, etc without using any battery. You can display Full size images, apps, data, appointments, etc on always on e-ink display from gallery, Instagram,…

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Apple iPhone 6 Plus review

iPhone 6 Plus is the first phablet by Apple. It was not really sure that Apple is going to bring a phablet this time. From long time Apple was following a tradition design of mid ranged screen size and now they had pushed things a bit further. Big screen size does not make it bulky…

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Apple iPhone 6 Review

Apple being the most popular brand in the market has always something exclusive to offer its users. We cannot forget what Steve Jobs had done in early year of desktop computing and portable gadgets. This time it looks like it is going to be harder for Apple to maintain its standard as there are mentor…

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