Millions of people on the planet enjoy the flavor of the coffee. There’s nothing better than the smell of fresh coffee brewing, or the exhilaration one feels when the caffeine kicks in! It’s a drink that uses roasted coffee beans that come from the berries of the Coffea plant.
Over the years, medical reports regularly discuss the health benefits or otherwise of different food and drink. Coffee has not been exempt from this process. There are literally one thousand different substances found within a drink of coffee, and they have different effects on us physically. This article sets out some of the key benefits that coffee has been found to have for our health.
Reduced Liver Disease

People who drink coffee have been found to have lower levels of enzymes, which are an indication of an inflamed or damaged liver. Some tests have shown reduced cases of liver cancer. This may be explained by the fact that when coffee is unfiltered it contains kahweol and cafestol. Scientists in Italy concluded that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of having liver cancer by 40-50%. If a person is undergoing hepatitis C treatment their bodies may respond better if the person is a coffee drinker.
Cirrhosis of the liver is the final stage people go through when they have battled alcoholism and hepatitis. Many tests have shown that coffee drinkers can reduce the chances of developing cirrhosis of the liver by up to eighty percent. Many people like to research coffee from different angles online. The specialists behind say the public wants to read global coffee news and read product reviews. They also want to view special articles, guides, and tutorials on the subject. The public also enjoys free newsletters and ebooks.
Protection against Parkinson’s Disease

One report said people are one-quarter times less likely to contract this disease if they drink coffee. Other reports say it’s between 32% and 60%. A further test concluded that men drinking over four daily amounts of coffee may be at a fivefold lower risk than those who don’t. Research shows the findings are more true for males. Coffee may provide a protective factor because of caffeine docks on the receptors found in the striatum (a part of the brain which is vulnerable to Parkinson’s Disease).
There is insufficient consistent evidence currently to confirm that decaffeinated coffee helps prevent the condition. One issue for Parkinson’s sufferers is restricted physical movement. One study in 2012 found that coffee may help people in this area.
Fewer Instances of Strokes and Heart Attacks

With strokes and coffee, the key factor is how much a person consumes. People who are not great coffee drinkers can be more vulnerable to a stroke straight after drinking. Anyone – be they male or female – will be at lower risk of strokes if they drink three to four cups of coffee a day, however.
Whilst it applies more to females than males, there is slightly less chance of having a heart attack if someone drinks one to three cups of coffee each day. One survey quoted a figure of 11%. (If someone exceeds the coffee dosage the results will be different, however, because of the caffeine content). Research in 2012 stated that regular drinkers of two cups of coffee daily may be protected against heart failure.
Reduced Chance of Diabetes or Cancer

Peoples’ blood sugar and insulin levels are key factors in their becoming diabetic. People who drink between three and six cups of coffee daily have these levels temporarily affected. It has also been said that drinking several cups a day can significantly reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Some observational studies have quoted such figures as between 23% and 67% less risk.
Research in 2014 studied over 48,000 people. The people who increased their coffee intake by one cup a day minimum for four years were 11% less at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Moreover, type 2 diabetes is a condition essentially linked to our personal lifestyle. Alongside such things as drinking coffee, we should maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise.
When it comes to having endometrial or estrogen-negative breast cancer, coffee can provide some protection. Lethal (aggressive) prostate cancer in men is also reduced for coffee consumers. Scientists believe it’s the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements within coffee that may be acting for us there. A huge amount of antioxidants are found within the coffee, and it rates very high compared with our Western diet – even outflanking some vegetables and fruit.
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Body

Alzheimer’s Disease features as the most frequent neurodegenerative disease globally. It is a key factor in people developing dementia. Something called beta-amyloid plaque may be the root cause of Alzheimer’s Disease. Studies in both animals and humans seem to indicate coffee will fight this. Some tests confirm that people may be up to 60% less likely to develop this disease or dementia. The tests are ongoing, however, as the research made in 2010, 2011, and 2015 have produced inconsistent results.
Research shows that coffee can help enhance our physical performance. Both muscle contraction and strength can be increased. The caffeine helps reduce feelings of weariness. Our mood, energy levels, memories, and cognitive functions also reap the benefit. Metabolic rates can be increased, and this helps mobilize fatty acids from fat tissues. Coffee may also increase the amount of oxygen we consume whilst exercising, and stimulate our nervous systems. Body fat can then be broken down and used for energy.
As we have seen, there is a surprising amount of scientific evidence showing coffee is good for our health. Some studies even say they found fewer instances of depression among women who drink it. If having three cups of coffee can reduce our chances of dying from certain major illnesses, there is a sense in which coffee can be said to extend our lifespan.
Does this make it a health drink? Certainly not. Having said that, providing a person limits their consumption to between two and three cups a day they will be able to reap a host of physical benefits. They say all that glitters is not gold, but each tasty cup of coffee we drink may be doing us more good than we realize.