Online shopping has long been very popular in the world, and the reasons for this are many. From the comfort of your home, you can access the required items on another continent, and with just one click, that product will be at your address for a few days. Although the proclamation of a coronavirus pandemic in the world led to a downturn in the economy, it also affected online sales, but only in a positive way, because given that many stores were closed, even those who were not proponents of online shopping had to side with it.
Although the ordered products usually arrive on time, it still happens from time to time that some package “strays” and does not find its way to the customer. What to do if this happens to you after you order something through Amazon?
1. Option Contact Us
The first thing you need to do in case of delayed order of goods is to go to Contact Us on the Amazon page. Contact them in writing and provide all the details related to your order. You can also call which is even more practical because you will get all the necessary answers immediately. Once you get a customer service number, you will be able to choose several options, depending on what you need – prime membership, kindle book purchases, orders, deliveries, or returns.
In this case, you will select delivery and explain to the operator that your order has not arrived at the address. With quick access to the database, the operator will do its best to look for the answer.
What is important to remember is that Amazon can be very generous to its customers, but it is up to you to earn that generosity with your kindness. So, if delivery is delayed, what you need to do is kindly contact the customer service and explain what it is about. Noise, obscene words, threats, and capital letters will not help you.
2. Avoid Twitter

Sharing personal opinion has become commonplace on social media. Amazon acknowledges criticism made via Twitter but also does not support sharing order information in this way. Therefore, it is better to contact them in person and ensure that your conversation remains private.
3. What if it is delivered with a delay?
What if you specify a guaranteed delivery date and the expected shipment does not appear at the address by then? Although it happens very rarely, there is still a possibility that this will happen. In that case, it is Amazon that will provide a refund of all shipping fees. You will learn more about this by clicking on An order I placed in the Contact Us submenu.
4. Expect for compensation
Several options can happen. While some received credit for their account or a free month of Amazon Prime as compensation, others received free shipping costs or even a full refund for the item as compensation. Many cases have received Amazon credit in different denominations (depending on the price of the ordered product), the already mentioned free month Amazon receives in combination with 15% -30% return of the order, or even receiving a gift of your choice in a certain value.
5. Track your late delivery by using Paribus

Using the Paribus service is not only used by Amazon but also by many other online stores around the world. With Paribus you can track the progress of your delivery. Another advantage of using it is that in case the price of the ordered product falls in the meantime, the difference in money is automatically returned to your credit card. Paribus also provides a new service, which is the identification and tracking of shipments sent by network retailers. So, if your delivery is late, Paribus will contact the dealer and ask for a fee for you. So, all you have to do is activate the “Delivery Monitoring” service. This is an option that can be very useful to you, so why not use it.
6. Take the best out of the situation
Many claims to have reached the fee very easily and quickly after submitting a late delivery fee request. They are most lucky to say that in just 5 minutes of effort they managed to get a bonus in a certain amount, as well as a previously ordered product at almost twice the price. Since Paribus allows you to track the path of your shipment from the sender to you and allows you to know exactly where it is at all times, there is no reason not to use this option. Also, if you are a regular customer, you will have the opportunity to gain some of the above benefits.
7. What are the reasons for the possible delay?
There are many reasons for delayed delivery. Sometimes it can be a mistake that you, as a customer, made, and that is entering the wrong address. That is why it is very important that you thoroughly check all the data before confirming the purchase. Make sure the address is complete, that the building or house number is not missing. Besides, delays can be caused by bad weather, as well as some other unpredictable situations. We know that the coronavirus has spread to almost every country in the world. Some countries closed their borders at some point, which, of course, also affected shipment deliveries. What can still slow down the arrival of the shipment are international customs procedures.
So, you must do what is up to you, and that is to double-check the address and personal information you have provided. If your shipment does not arrive 48 hours after expected, it is time to contact customer service and ask for help.
Another thing that can affect late delivery is a mistake made by a third party, ie the seller. Of course, this is expected in case he fulfills the order and not Amazon.
To find out more advice and information what to do if your delivery is late, click on