What are the Challenges Faced By Clean Energy?

Things are clear. If we continue the relentless exploitation and combustion of dirty energy, we will jeopardize the survival of our planet and descendants. To prevent this, we can hear more and more often about clean energy which should be our main source of energy.

Renewable energy sources are increasingly considered one of the key factors in the future development of the Earth. Renewable energy sources are energy sources that are obtained from nature and can be renewable; today they are increasingly used because of their environmental friendliness. Wind, solar and water energies are most commonly used. The main source of energy is still fossil fuels, which provide 80-90% of energy. In recent years, several impacts have emerged, the combination of which has led to increased interest in renewable energy production – reducing CO2 emissions, energy efficiency programs, or rational energy use.

Renewable energy is our way out! It is our way out from unpredictable weather, soaring summer temperatures, and melting ice caps. However, knowing full well of its positive impacts on the world, the progress has been slow because:

Source: huntscanlon.com

Storage Challenges

The first challenge that comes to the surface when we talk about clean energy is storage. While the initiative to produce clean energy is cheap at an affordable rate, the storage expense is not the same. This is because the sources that produce energy, such as the sun and wind, are variable and dependent on other factors.

Sun depends on fluctuations of the sunlight and placement of the country’s location on the axis. Similarly, wind energy is dependent on aerodynamic pressure and the placement of the turbines. It is not reliable as producing energy for fossil fuels or natural gas since it is guaranteed a continuous pool of resources.

Financial Challenges

The shift to producing clean energy is daunting and inexperienced to many investors. Financial restraints are one of the most influential factors a utility bidder can back away from an investment.

Several technologies, especially wind energy, small hydropower, biomass energy, and solar energy, are economically competitive. The main problem with installing new plants is the starting price. This raises the price of energy obtained in the first few years to the level of complete unprofitability compared to other commercially available energy sources. A large share of renewable energy production is the result of the environmental awareness of the population, which, despite the initial economic unprofitability, is installing plants for the production of “clean” energy.

More investors are transitioning, yet many investors are still comfortable in backing traditional ways of producing energy. Grand set-ups are constantly searching for smaller investors to play their part in this transition.

Least to say, the transition toward the clean energy initiative has surged investment into research and developments. Innovative technologies are on their way, some of which have already been introduced, for example, artificial intelligence in wind turbine generators or sensors in solar panels.

Source: worldfinance.com

Poor Infrastructure

The spread of clean energy has become essential because of the rapid speed of climate change and global warming. However, the widespread switch has faced blowbacks because of the absence of large grids.

The energy produced from clean sources is connected to the national grid. The same national grid produces energy using natural gas or oil.

Another obstacle is the severe limitation of infrastructure. The availability of roads and transportation in many countries is hugely underfunded and under-maintained for satisfying the future demands for clean energy. The progress is exceptionally slow-paced against the growing domestic demand for energy.


Regrettably, the clean energy initiative has been used as a political game by our electives. Some may practice what they preach. However, they face numerous challenges once the individuals are in power. Allocation of funds, isolation based on beliefs, and anti-science myths create a challenge to switch to renewable energy.

Politicians are mostly perceived as holders of quick change. When change is slow, they are scrutinized by their political opponents. The national perception of clean energy is growing positive. However, the red tape and bureaucratic challenges make it difficult for it to turn into reality.

The negative effects of using fossil fuels were known long before we became aware of the dangers posed by climate change. Simply put, the smoke, stench, and soot created by burning coal and oil are something we can experience directly, and the senses in that case clearly tell us that these substances are not very good for our health.

Source: fortune.com

Impact Of Certain Energy Sources On The Environment

Different energy sources have different impacts on the environment in which these energy sources are produced, transported, or used. Fossil fuels undoubtedly have the greatest negative impact on the environment because, during their combustion, a large amount of carbon is released, which is also created in the atmosphere and significantly affects the temperatures on Earth. Biofuels are also harmful, but much less so because their production closes the cycle, which is not the case with fossil fuels. Closing the carbon cycle means that plants used to produce biofuels during growth take certain amounts of carbon from the atmosphere which is later returned to the atmosphere by burning these biofuels.

Final Thought

In the last few years, awareness has been raised about the use of renewable energy. Nature “supplies” us every day, completely free of charge, with large amounts of sun and wind. On the other hand, there is less and less oil, coal and other exploited goods on our planet, the price of which is increasing and increasing in parallel with this fact. In addition, in recent years, it has become increasingly clear to man that the overexploitation of fossil fuels has significantly and most likely irreparably damaged the environment, not only itself but also all species on Earth.

Clean energy initiative is a concentrated matter that requires serious attention. The switch to clean energy can be difficult if we continue to face these challenges.

We require a collaborative approach that sets aside our differences to better the economy and the nation.

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