The French Paradox: Exploring the Enchanting World of French Wine

French wine is a tantalizing paradox – renowned for its elegance and complexity yet deeply rooted in simplicity. The French Paradox, often associated with the country’s lower rates of heart disease despite a rich diet, has intrigued researchers for years. Part of the answer lies in the French’s long standing relationship with wine. France’s viticultural…

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Coconut + Rice = Coconut Rice

You have probably eaten rice on many occasions, and you know that it is delicious with vegetables, meat or fish. You have also probably tried coconut in various forms —ice cream, biscuits, cakes or soft drinks. And quite possibly, you have eaten rice and coconut in the same meal— first the rice, as a side…

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New Mexico Chile Ristras

If you travel to New Mexico in the late fall, you will see lots of red strings of chilies hanging on seemingly every front porch. These beautiful decorations are called chile ristras, and they are one of my favorite things about New Mexico. What is a chile ristra? In Spanish, ristra means string, and chile…

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