Dry Drowning is an upcoming investigator thriller psychological video game. It is developed by Studio V and published by VLG Publishing. The game is due for its release on 3 Aug 2019 which is just a few days away.
The game is set in a dystopian world of a futuristic city Nova Polemos. The story revolves around an investigator and the playable character Mordred Foley, who is haunted by his dark past and investigating a series of serial killings inspired by Greek mythology.
The interesting part about the game is that it has over 150 story branches that the player can choose from and all the branches lead to three completely different endings. So, it is up to you, which branch you select to complete the story.
Dry Drowning is a story-driven video game in which a lot of things will be happening. The serial killer draws strength from the darkness to kill the targets and thus this socio-political situation has taken over the city.
As a player, you will be facing a lot of challenges to investigate through your mission. There will be a lot of riddles, clues, events, confusing characters that you have to deal with in order to solve the mystery.
So, this was all we know at this moment. As far as the trainers or simply cheats are concerned, these are of great help whenever we get stuck in between the game. You can download the Trainer for Dry Drowning from here in just a single click.