In most situations, individuals that engage in love affairs use different technology and devices – including their phones, gadgets, and computers – for communicating with their lovers. And with the increased use of smartphones, people are now discovering apps that can help them hide their secret relationships.
No matter if you’re searching for such an app for your needs or if you’re wondering whether or not your partner is cheating on you, there is a wide range of applications that people could use for hiding their love affair. So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at the list of eight, most commonly used apps:

1. “Fox Private Messages”
There is a pretty good reason why this app is first on our list – it allows you to deal with three scenarios. For starters, if your partner asks you to see whom you’re texting, you can simply shake your device, and the program will immediately delete all of the messages. Second, if you leave the device with your partner, you could simply send a text with a code, and again, the app will delete everything.
Lastly, it also features an option for ‘hidden messages’, which means that you can select the messages you want to save and read again later on. The feature is literally undetectable, which means that you won’t have to worry about your partner finding them, even when they access the app.
2. “Blackbook”
Now, this is an interesting app to look at, especially since it can be quite helpful, especially if you leave your phone with your spouse. It works in a relatively simple way, to hide your secret partner, all you’ll need to do is enter their telephone number on the app’s list, and once they call you, the software will instantly make the number appear like it’s not in your contacts.
Additionally, no one will be able to find the application on your smartphone, mostly because they’ll need a specific code for finding it, as well as accessing it. All of this means that you won’t have to worry about leaving your phone unattended with your partner or spouse.
3. “Vaulty Stocks”
When you install this app, it’ll present itself as an icon for a stock market exchange platform. Unless your partner decides to enter every single app on your phone, they’ll never know about all the messages you’ve been exchanging with your lover. There are some reviews that claim that there is no way that anyone will know that you have something to hide.
Keep in mind, besides installing and using the applications mentioned here, there are also various platforms like these sites that you could use, all of which could help you in one way or another. Hence, when you’re done going through this article, you might want to check some of those websites out.
4. “Cate”
This particular app can be downloaded on both Androids and iPhones, it operates as a text and calls eraser, which basically means that while its stealth mode is on, it’ll operate in the background. This means that there is no way for your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse to find out about it.
Besides this, once you download it, there will be no icon displayed, and your task manager won’t even be able to see that you have it running on your phone. Now, you might be wondering – won’t it use a lot of my battery? Luckily, it won’t and there are some really promising reviews that say so.

5. “Tiger Texts”
You might recall the story of the most popular golfer Tiger Woods cheating on his wife, which is exactly why the developers behind this app decided to name it like this. By installing it, you’ll gain a lot of useful features, all of which will enable you to hide your secret relationship.
When you access it, it’ll allow you to literally self-destruct all the messages by entering a specific passcode. Besides this, anyone who tries to access the platform will need a password, which means that you can rest assured that no one will be capable of reading your texts.
6. “Keep it/Hide it”
These are apps developed for iPhone and Android users, and it’ll enable you to hide all the photographs, videos, and messages on one of the phones you’re using. For instance, you can use your iPhone for hiding text on your Android, and vice versa, hence, you won’t need to worry about anyone seeing your exchanges.
There is one thing you should remember about it though, you cannot really use it unless you have both phones. Hence, in order for it to work for you, you’ll need to use both an Android and an iPhone. Additionally, there is an icon when you install it, which can cause some problems if you’re not careful.

7. “Slydial:
By dwnloading this app, it’ll allow all your calls and your lover’s calls to go straight to voicemail. What does this mean? Well, if you’re, for example, with your partner when your secret partner call, the phone will immediately direct it to voicemail, and you can access the app and listen to the message later on.
Additionally, it works in both ways, which means that if your lover installs it as well, you’ll be able to call them whenever you want to while knowing that your message will be secretly and safely stored in their voicemail. Besides this, there is nothing else than the application does.
8. “Invisible Text”
Last on our list is this platform will guarantee that all your messages – the ones created while using the app – are completely private and safe. It’ll do a really good job in covering all of your tracks, not only from your partner but from your secret one as well, meaning that you’ll be completely protected.
During each message exchange, only you and the recipient of the messages will be able to see the text, and once you’re done communicating with them, the entire chat will be instantly deleted. Additionally, you cannot take screenshots, which is perfect for ensuring that no one can use the app against you.

As you can see from the list above, there is a wide range of applications that you can choose to download and install on your phone. Keep in mind, before you install any of them, you’ll want to check all the features that you can get, mostly because you’ll want to choose an app that will suit you.
So, now that you’re aware of all the apps you can choose to use, you shouldn’t use any more of your time. Instead, take a look at the list above one more time, determine which options might be suitable for you, and then do a bit more digging and determine which one suits your needs best.