If you’re asking yourself whether to learn TypeScript or JavaScript, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between them, why each language exists, and which one you should learn depending on your goals. So, grab a coffee, get comfy in your chair and let’s uncover the secrets of these two powerful programming languages!
Working with programming languages can be confusing, especially if you’re coming from a non-technical background. It’s natural to want to know which language is best for certain situations and whether you should learn one or the other. They are both popular languages and have been around for some time, but they have their unique differences that you should be aware of before deciding which one to learn.
The similarities

The most fundamental similarity is that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which means that anything you could do in JavaScript, you can do in TypeScript. This means that if you learn the syntax and features of one language, you can easily move to the other.
Another similarity between them is the fact that both languages are dynamic and interpreted, so there is no need to compile them before running the code. This makes it easy for developers to quickly test their code without waiting for compilation or executing multiple build processes.
A third similarity between these two programming languages relates to scope. Both languages use lexical scoping – meaning variables declared outside of a function are accessible within it and vice versa – making it easier to organize your codebase into logical modules with limited visibility on functions or variables.
Finally, TypeScript and JavaScript both have strong APIs available that make it possible to extend their capabilities by adding additional libraries or frameworks such as React, Angular or Vue. Thanks to these APIs, developers can integrate these libraries in order to simplify coding tasks and improve overall user experience when writing applications for the web.
The differences between them

They are both programming languages, so, what’s the difference between TypeScript vs JavaScript? JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic language used to develop websites and web applications. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript, making it preferred by many developers.
The main difference between them is that TypeScript offers features such as static typing, object-oriented programming (OOP), type inference, classes, modules, generics and interfaces — features that are not available in regular JavaScript. While standard JavaScript works just fine for most web development projects, TypeScript’s extra features can make it a better choice for larger applications.
Another difference between them is that TypeScript was built specifically for large projects where scalability matters. The extended type declaration feature in TypeScript helps developers spot errors before the code compiles into regular JavaScript code. Strongly typed code can also help prevent runtime errors since developers can identify issues much earlier on in the development process. In comparison, standard JavaScript syntax can be more difficult to debug on large projects because there are fewer type declarations available to help pinpoint errors early on.

Ultimately, the choice between these two languages comes down to personal preference and the current needs of your project. If you are working on a project where optimization is more important than readability, then JavaScript may be the better choice. However, if you need to build something quickly and reliably from the ground up – or are just looking for a more consistent way to write code – then TypeScript may be the way to go.