Xiaomi Mi4 is a Flagship device and the successor of Mi3 which was a huge success for Xiaomi world wide. The same trend carries with Mi4 as well. Coming to the point, we all need to Root our Android devices now a days so that we can make the most out of it. Well, although it avoids the warranty, but still we do it. Now, we receive so many requests from our users asking for ClockworkMod (CWM) Recovery for Xiaomi Mi4. So, here it is. The package attached with this post is not only the CWM Recovery but also a Rooting file for your Mi4. You can download both of them in one click. In case you require steps for rooting and installing CWM in Xiaomi Mi4, check this guide.
[wpdm_package id=’23019′]ClockworkMod (CWM) and Rooting Package for Xiaomi Mi4