Metro Exodus is the third installment of world popular Metro series developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Silver for PCs, Xbox and PlayStation 4. This is one of the best Survivor Horror with deadly combat and stealth elements with most immersive game so far. You play as the lead character Artyom since Metro Exodus is direct sequel to previous Metro Last Light.
The game is based in the devastated wasteland of Russian Federation in the year 2036, which is after 25 years of nuclear war leaving only few thousand survivors in the Metro tunnel. Explore the non-linear levels and follow a thrilling story-line in this first-person shooter game across the span of entire year from spring to depths of winter.
Here i am uploading +8 Trainer for Metro Exodus offering you Inf.Health, Inf.Ammo, No Reload, Inf.Filter, No Overheat, Inf.Gas Mask, Inf.Gadget and Inf.Battery at just a tap of number pad making your gameplay more interesting and fun. To enable the trainer, download and extract it somewhere on your desktop, launch the trainer, then launch your game and hit F1 key. That’s it. Cheats are activated for your Metro Exodus on PC.