Millions of Americans are hurt in the workplace every year. Despite what many people think all jobs have a certain share of occupational hazard and even such an innocuous at first glance spot as a modern office can carry a serious health risk. Of course, there is a roster of high-risk jobs that report a greater number of injuries than others but generally speaking, accidents do not choose where to happen.
Prevention is always key. You can’t predict accidents but you can make every effort to be prepared for whatever comes, ready to face even the most challenging scenario. The only efficient way to avoid getting into big trouble is not only to have in place all the necessary safety measures but also to remain alert and not let your guard down. Here is how to prevent workplace injuries, taking advantage of the leading practices in this field.

Construction Sites
For obvious reasons, construction sites are on the list of the most dangerous workplaces while construction workers are among the most frequently injured employees who often have to fight for their right to get fair compensation in court.
Construction injuries are some of the most painful and severe, recovery can take months, medical bills easily reach staggering amounts, hence workers and their family members usually can’t make it without a seasoned personal injury attorney on their side. Personal injury lawyers from Abels & Annes, P.C. explain that the spectrum of eventual accidents is really wide as workers are surrounded by all sorts of machinery and deal with power tools, heavy products, and scrap metal. Regardless of whether it’s about working on a new construction site, a renovation, or even producing construction pieces in a controlled environment, these workers come in contact with an array of hazards all the time.
In order to facilitate safe and secure work conditions, every construction site has to be properly organized and well maintained, which means it should be clean and free from wasted pieces of wood or metal. Special care should be taken of the equipment and tools that often cause serious injuries. Many construction workers get injured in accidents on ladders or slip-and-fall accidents, that is why there is no place even for the slightest negligence in the site.

Healthcare Industry
As incredible as it may seem, people from whom we seek help when we’re injured face a plethora of occupational hazards, being at high risk to be injured themselves. Even though doctors, nurses, and other healthcare employees work in different environments that range from hospitals and clinics to schools and nursing homes, they are affected by the same types of injuries.
Apart from widespread slips and falls and increased exposure to various diseases and illnesses, they suffer from the consequences of extended standing, lifting of patients and heavy objects, as well as repetitive motions that lead to damage over time. Nurses especially are prone to such serious injuries as carpal tunnel syndrome and stress fractures.
To prevent eventual accidents, all healthcare workers should undergo special training to be well-versed in all ins and outs of their duties and responsibilities. In addition to that, a great deal of attention should be paid to the proper use of protective equipment, as well as to the strict adherence to all the safety procedures that are in place.

A typical warehouse is another place where injuries happen frequently. Workers are often under pressure to deliver results at lightning speed, but it is not a good idea to be in harry while operating machinery or walking the floor. In addition to that, those employees who deal with airborne particles may develop serious problems with the upper respiratory system and lungs, even if these particles are not inherently harmful.
Even though the most common injuries at warehouses occur when a worker gets crushed or trapped by something in the work area, many employees get burned and scared when exposed to various chemicals and toxins. That is why it’s essential to ensure they all have access to the safety equipment and knowledge on how to use it properly. Needless to say, the well-maintained space and neatly stacked products are a must to prevent life-threatening accidents triggered by falling objects.

On The Roads
Bus and truck drivers also fall into the category of workers that are at risk of serious injuries caused by accidents on the roads. Interestingly, according to statistics, truck drivers tend to take part in fewer collisions than the average motorist per mile traveled while bus drivers, including those who operate CTA vehicles, are at similar risks for injuries as others involved in car accidents.
Every car accident may lead to serious injuries, the symptoms of many of them can take days to show up. The most common complaints after a crash include back and neck pain, broken or fractured bones, cuts, bruises, and head injuries with school bus drivers being often injured on the job while helping students and assisting children with special needs to their seats.

While injuries are the leading cause of emergency department visits for children and youth between 5 and 19 years old, teachers and classroom aides are also exposed to a high risk of being injured when separating fighting students or as a result of a collision with students who run through the halls.
Aiming to minimize the possibility of all kinds of accidents and reduce their negative impact if occurred, schools have to introduce a special set of safety measures and procedures tailored to meet the needs of both children and teachers. Promoting smart risk management at school-wide events and integrating the concept of smart risk-taking into a school’s culture is just a couple of things that can be done to prevent injuries.

Although your office is far from being one of the most dangerous places to work, it doesn’t mean office employees never get injured. Back injuries are not the only common issues caused by many hours of sitting in an improper chair without an opportunity to walk or stretch – computer screens are known for triggering eye strain and stubborn headaches while continuous typing can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.
Injuries can happen at any workplace regardless of the industry it belongs to. Even though employees who get hurt while working are entitled to workers’ compensation coverage, it’s better to be safe than sorry, hence do not underestimate the importance of prevention.