7 Surefire Ways of Maintaining the Health of Your Skin

Skin is the window of your body, which reveals the story of your life. From the radiant glow of pregnancy to acne breakouts in your teenage years are all reflected in the skin. Basically, the skin has a lot of functions, making it an important multitasker. However, its main role is to serve as the first line of defense against pollution, viruses, and bacteria, which you may encounter at home or in your workplace.

When it comes to maintaining the health of your skin, there is so much you can do. Apart from drinking a lot of water, you may also consider other ways, such as:

1. Using Skin Products

Source: WebMD

Usually, a plethora of products is presented as a surefire way to turn the clock back, reduce wrinkles, and permanently melt away the cellulite. When buying skin products, you will need to pay attention and research thoroughly. Paying attention to the products you buy could also mean that you should heed your dermatologist’s advice.

In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees and regulates most skin products. For every product to be used in the market, the FDA must regulate it to ensure the health of users is guaranteed. Therefore, it would be best to be sure that this administration has approved the products you use.

2. Exercising More Often

Source: Medications

Acne is caused by the overproduction of sebum, which clogs the pores. Sebum is regularly deposited into the pores, though some hormones, including cortisol and testosterone, can cause overproduction. An increased level of these hormones corresponds to the increase of acne on the skin. By exercising, you may rectify hormonal imbalances, which lead to acne.

In addition, exercising can improve blood circulation on the surface of your skin. This ensures a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Aerobic exercise can also result in sweat and removal of toxins through perspiration.

3. Getting Enough Sleep

Source: Medium

The skin works hard at day time to protect you against bacteria, toxins, and external stressors entering the body. However, at night, skin switches from defense mode to repair itself on a cellular level, promoting the production of fresh and new skin cells. While cellular turnover happens during the day, the cells of the skin regenerate quickly at night.

The regeneration of cells occurs whether you sleep or not, though lack of enough sleep might negatively affect your skin. The melatonin, the sleep hormone will increase as you get tired, and its level may elevate to counteract damages to your skin against things such as pollution and UV rays.

4. Managing Anxiety

Source: Medium

Anxiety is a vital survival mechanism, and tight muscles, excessive sweating, racing heartbeat, and dilating blood vessels might be helpful when trying to escape from dangers. However, when your perceived fears are not a real threat, and your body reacts the same way it does during anxiety, you will experience physical discomfort, which in turn may wreak havoc on your skin.

In this case, using CBD (cannabidiol) products can be a natural way to deal with anxiety. Whether you prefer juice from CBDvapejuice, tincture, edibles, or capsules, cannabidiol will help you manage anxiety and the related symptoms, including systolic blood pressure and cortisol concentration. Apart from using cannabidiol products, you can also:

  • Take part in bravery acts
  • Spend quality time with friends and family

5. Taking Healthy Foodstuffs

Source: Healthline

On the flip side, various foodstuffs are linked to skin damages. Hence, eating vegetables and fruits can be the best way to supply your skin with powerful antioxidants. You can consider taking a rainbow of colorful vegetables and fruits, including papaya, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and carrots.

Beyond that, regaining and losing weight may take a toll on your skin, causing stretch marks and sagging. Hence, the best way to maintain your skin’s health is to avoid crash diets. Such diets are short of important minerals and vitamins.

6. Stopping Smoking

Source: Harvard Health – Harvard University

Smoking may lead to wrinkles around the face and the entire part of your body. This is because the chemicals found in cigarettes may damage elastin and collagen, which are basically fibrous components of the skin that keep it supple and firm. This damage may speed up skin aging, making you prone to infections, like acne and eczema.

For this reason, quitting smoking may be the best option to keep your skin healthy. Although quitting is not easy, identifying reasons to stop can be important. For you to achieve this, you can review your mental list as you approach your quitting date. If you had tried to stop smoking before and failed, don’t allow it to be an obstacle. Rather than that, launch plan B by making sure you:

  • Seek help from people who want the best for you
  • Get rid of smoking reminders
  • Consider coping strategies

7. Using Sunscreen

Source: Healthline

Sunscreen is an essential preventive healthcare habit, which needs to be maintained throughout the year, including the winter months. The harmful UV rays may cause photoaging of the skin characterized by a leathery look, discoloration, and breakdown of collagen that contributes to wrinkles, sagging, and lines. According to some studies, people below 55 years old can reduce the chance of developing aging signs as long as they use sunscreen.

Apart from preventing aging signs, sunscreen can also lower the risks of getting cancer. Skin cancer is one of the common illnesses in the US, and according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), around 70,000 people got diagnosed with melanomas of the skin in 2013. By using a sunscreen every day, you will cut the risks of contracting skin cancer into half.

The Bottom Line!

Skin is the largest organ that comes into contact with the rest of the world. It offers protection and helps to regulate body temperature and filter out toxins. However, the lifestyle that you live may affect your skin’s health, which may include things like smoking and eating unhealthy food. Therefore, the best way to have healthy skin is to change your lifestyle, practice healthy eating, handle anxiety, and use approved skin products.

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