The number of people across the US that get injured in vehicle accidents can reach more than three million each year. There can be a variety of injuries that may result from a car accident, depending on each collision’s individual circumstances. However, some injury types are more common than others.
While some car accident injuries resolve within a few days even without any medical treatment, others are more serious that they can become permanent, resulting in a physical disability of a particular level.
Below are the most common injuries one can get from a crash.
1. Whiplash

Whiplash injuries are extremely painful and can affect your life forever. They can be caused by any kind of auto accident, but, most commonly, they occur in front or rear end collisions. Ten to 25% of drivers involved in a front or rear end auto collision will suffer from a whiplash injury. This injury is also known as a non-collision, non-impact, or spinal-dislocation injury. There are other more severe kinds of injuries that can cause whiplash, such as fractures or internal bleeding.
There’s no one specific way to detect if you’re suffering from whiplash injuries. It’s very common for people to feel discomfort in their shoulders after a collision. Some may even feel pain in the neck or back area. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should contact a physician immediately. Your doctor might be able to tell you if there’s an injury in certain parts of your body, or if you may have an issue later in your life with back injuries.
You’ll be entitled to file a claim for injuries if the other person or driver was responsible for the accident. In these cases, it’s wise to contact a personal injury lawyer to help protect your rights and receive compensation for your injuries. Click to learn more about what car crash lawyers can do for you.
2. Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic injuries to the brain are sudden, sharp, or damaging injuries to the brain caused by a blow to the head or by another object. The primary injury typically occurs at the moment of injury, called the traumatic event, but secondary injuries can occur over the course of the brain’s normal functioning after the initial injury. This is because the brain is extremely delicate, so it’s not so easy to bounce back from minor or sub-concussive blows. Some people have even developed post-traumatic stress disorder due to their experiences with a traumatic brain injury or TBIs. The causes of TBIs range from auto accidents to strokes.
The symptoms of a TBI may include loss of consciousness or unusual behavior, disorientation, slurred speech, paralysis, nausea and vomiting, seizures, difficulty thinking, and loss of memory. The damage caused to the brain following an accident usually results in the development of a mild or transient amnesia, which is usually reversible upon completion of rehabilitation. People with a traumatic brain injury may also be left with difficulties in reading, writing, and concentrating, and can even have problems communicating.
Furthermore, traumatic brain injuries can result in significant emotional trauma, such as depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of death or dismemberment. Children and adults with brain injuries can develop social isolation, depression, and low self-esteem due to their physical and mental impairment.
3. Spine Injuries

The injuries that are the most common after a car accident can range from minor to life- threatening. Depending on the location of the accident, a spine injury may come either as a result of being thrown out of your car by the force of an impact or a broken bone that caused a whiplash effect. A spinal injury is a very serious injury because the neck may not fully heal for up to six months or more, making injury recovery much more complicated.
The best way to prevent this type of injury from occurring is to always wear proper protection when driving any vehicle. This means that if you drive a car, you need to have a full-body protective gear. Even if you’re only driving a smaller vehicle, it’s still important to wear a seat belt and have the added protection of the right padding on your backside. These precautions can also help prevent spinal injuries from occurring during a collision.
4. Chest Injuries

A chest injury affects the chest wall, the upper part of the chest, or the heart, which can be caused either by blunt force trauma or a fall.
Getting treated for this type of injury is important to prevent further complications. Injuries of this type can be serious and can affect the brain or other organs in the body. It may also affect your breathing and cause you to lose consciousness for several minutes. There are times when the pain becomes so severe that it feels like your entire chest has ruptured; in some cases, people have even had to have surgery to repair the damaged tissue.
5. Knee Injuries

A knee injury can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as an accident, a bone injury, a sprained ligament, a muscle injury, or a blow to the head, neck, or spine. Regardless of why your injury occurred, it’s important to know what to do and where to go when you experience this type of injury.
The first thing that you should do is visit your doctor. Your doctor will be able to assess your injury and give you the best plan of action. Once your doctor has determined the level of injury that you have, they’ll help you determine the best course of treatment for your injuries. Depending on the severity of the injury that you’ve sustained, your doctor may recommend that you take pain medications, use ice, rest, or, possibly, even get an operation.
Final Thoughts
Some injuries aren’t readily apparent after a car accident. It’s important to keep that in mind since it may take a few days, weeks, or months for the injury symptoms to appear, depending on the injury’s nature. That being said, the best thing to do is to immediately seek medical treatment if you’re involved in a car accident. It’s true even for the slightest of early indications of injury or discomforts.